Monday, September 6, 2010

Obama's Latest Attempt to Stimulate the Economy

Well, here we go again.  Our fearless and unfortunately clueless President is at it again.  He wants to spend billions on infrastructure to stimulate the economy.  He apparently will try anything but proven methods to jumpstart economic growth.  Dear Mr. President, as anybody who has studied history and/or economics can tell you, all you have to do is extend the Bush tax cuts.  It don't cost nuthin'.....but what will be accomplished by this simple task?  It removes economic uncertainty that has been preventing those with the ability to create jobs, from investing in job creating ventures.  They see new taxes going into effect on January 1, 2011 so they are holding on to $ they would use to invest in expansion and new equipment.  They are doing this because it is CHEAPER to pay taxes on larger profits this year at a lower tax rate than it is to do so in 2011.

Face it, Mr. President, your economic plans have been rejected.  The reason is simple.  You insist on helping the unemployed by taxing the only people in the private sector who can provide them jobs.  Your methods have been tried all over Europe and the former Soviet are they doing?  Wake up and realize that the citizens of this country are smart enough to realize where you are coming from and don't like it.  If you want to actually help those whom you profess to be looking out for, you need to admit your failures and change course.


  1. The Bush tax cuts didn't create jobs under Bush... how would they create jobs under Obama?
    Bush left office with the worst employment-growth record of any president since World War II. I don't see how extending the top 2% tax cuts would magically create jobs now, inasmuch as they hadn't since 2002.

  2. The one too stupid to breathe here is you. Your picture tells me you are white, wealthy, probably a bigot, and could care less about helping Americans in need. MAYBE if you got a percentage you'd help. You are in it for you. Drink the kool aid and cast your vote for Walorski. She has lied before and if you're stupid enough to believe her then you are the exact person she is looking for. Someone easily duped. You hide behind your posts on various news outlets calling people names and acting out your name "Mr. Big Time" because you are a coward. If you had the mental capacity to actually debate something you'd do just that...debate. Instead you insult people. Nice.

    Mr. "Big Time" indeed you are!! If I had a quarter I'd toss it your way and tell you to run along and go find yourself a clue. Clear enough??
